Delivery and Shipping policies

Download Delivery & Shipping Policy

Shipping and delivery dates provided by European Paver Company (herein referred to as EPC) EPC are not guaranteed and changes to both shall not constitute a breach of the purchase process or Terms and Conditions, nor entitle Buyer to cancel or refuse delivery. Buyer is responsible for any cost incurred due to delivery changes outside the control of EPC or for any cancellations requested by Buyer after Products have shipped. The date of delivery shall be extended as necessary until delivery is complete. EPC reserves the right to make partial shipments, ship multiple loads from various locations, and ship when Products are available for shipment. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Delivery is completed and risk of loss or damage and responsibility shall pass from EPC to Buyer when the Products are given to the carrier at EPC's supply point. Buyer must inform EPC in advance of any restrictions or difficulties with access by large trucks and EPC Products will be curbside at the nearest possible location to the delivery address. EPC is not responsible for any incorrect delivery or loss or damage to the Products after the time of delivery, regardless of who accepted the delivery. Buyer agrees to check delivered Products for damage or shortage at time of delivery and note them on delivery documents provided by the freight carrier. If delivery is re-routed at Buyers request or unsuccessful for any reason outside EPC’s control, Buyer is responsible for coordinating and paying for any necessary storage and future delivery and agrees to pay any resulting invoices sent to EPC from any freight company or delivery service. 

Buyer shall inspect delivered Products and note, with photographs, any damage to packaging before unpacking Products. Buyer shall confirm Products delivered match those of the Purchase Order before installing. Buyer shall notify EPC in writing of all defects, shortages or incorrect Products delivered within 2 days of delivery date.

If delivered Products do not meet the specifications outlined in the Purchase Order, EPC agrees to deliver replacement Products at EPC’s expense. Buyer shall provide EPC a reasonable opportunity to organize the return or disposal of incorrect or defective Products and Buyer shall not return any Products without EPC's consent.

For concerns or questions with shipping and delivery contact us.